News & Thoughts #11


Here I am, pretty much exactly a month since the last issue! I’m feeling good about that, as I’m trying to break my habit of sending these emails only when I have time.

It’s been a busy month for me, so here’s what’s new:

Finished a UX contract

I’ve just finished an enjoyable 6 month part-time contract as a UX designer at Track24. I have been working to support a sole in-house designer while the company re-invented a core SaaS product, through to MVP stage. This mostly involved defining and translating user stories into key user journeys, then generating wireframes and rapid prototypes.

Went to Webflow Conf

One of my favourite tools, Webflow, hosted a series of events in October. They had their keynote and product announcements in San Fransisco, as well as a series of mini conference events in major cities – one of which was here in London. I went to a warm-up social brunch and the main conference day. It was such an amazing time – meeting legends, catching up with friends, and making new connections. Were you there? Did we meet? Let me know if you’re on this list 👋

Took part in an Innovation Design Day

At the end of September I had another amazing experience on an Innovation Design day – a one-day team challenge to tackle poverty in London. My team came up with an idea called Eat Better Certified (Team 5 here), similar to Living Wage. The concept was that employers could offer perks related to basic dietary needs, and become certified for doing so.

New blog post

I wrote a blog post recently about an interesting little story of an MVP from 100 years ago, which kick started a major consumer product’s widespread adoption.

Older posts of mine

Have you read many of my older blog posts? I’ve only been writing regularly since July 2022, but here are 3 of my most popular posts:

That’s all for now,

See you again soon,


Ways I can help you right now: