News & Thoughts #4

Hey everyone,

Firstly, welcome to all the new subscribers 👋

Really pleased to have you on board. Even though I didn’t start this newsletter for the numbers, it’s been nice to see it grow to 30 of you already, in just a few weeks 🙏

So let’s get into the highlights from me recently:

What I've been working on

I’ve written about developments in AI and how they might affect the creative industries:

This tweet got a lot of responses this week. I'l be summarising the answers in a blog post soon:

Do you have a ‘Now’ page? I’ve added one to my blog to help people know my current focus and curiosities:

Black Friday offersYes it’s that time of the year when everyone is offering deals, so I’m happy to join in and offer all my Gumroad products at 40% off until the end of November. Just use code BF22 at the checkout.That includes:

Freelance services

I’ve been designing logos for 30 years, and still get a kick out of it. My freelance logo services (custom designs or mentoring) is aimed at early-stage founders and businesses.Thanks again for your continued support, and let me know if I can help with anything (reply to this email).
